Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Look Back

Why didn't I see it sooner? It seems so very obvious now. All those countless prayers. But all I was doing was talking to my imaginary god. I was just talking to myself for all those years. Years of studying the scripture. Years of trying to get to know you better. Years of offering up thanks and blessing. Years stolen from me by the strong delusion of my imaginary god.


  1. You sound as though you are bitter about your time in Christianity. Try to look at the time in a positive manner. Everyone finds their truth in different ways. I am sure that you benefited from you time in church. You do not have to be angry, instead use your experience in the past to enhance your experience in the present and future.
    Keep questioning even the lack of belief.


  2. Hey DMH,

    What kind of proof would you need for God's existence? It sounds to me like you are angry with God because He doesn't do things the way you think He should. I don't know how much time I'll be able to spend on this blog, but I want to offer the following proof for God's existence:

    P1: If human knowledge is possible, than God exists, since God is the precondition of human knowledge.

    P2: Human knowledge is possible

    Conclusion: God exists

    I hope that this gets you to reconsider your idea of God being imaginary, as well as your idea of the autonomous human mind. It is an indefensible idea.


